The Overview

Perth Zoo has a deeper purpose beyond its great exhibits, it exists to inspire and act for wildlife conservation. Currently, their brand purpose Saving Wildlife is very much being 'actioned' and integrated into the Zoo experience, but we needed to get the community on board.

Our creative team evolved the Perth Zoo brand narrative to one that was inclusive of the community, creating a link between visitation and action for wildlife conservation through the idea of 'Saving Wildlife, Together'.

This was launched in an integrated campaign which included a new suite of TV commercials produced by our in-house team and stand-out bus wraps used to demonstrate the diminishing size of the world's tiger population.

The Work

The 'Saving Wildlife, Together' mantra:

Most human beings are born with a deep love of animals. That's why we draw pictures of them as children, sing songs about them, idolise them in movies and enjoy having our lives enriched by their companionship at home.

As human populations grow on our planet, wildlife everywhere is under increasing threat of extinction. Your ZOO exists to protect endangered species and to reconnect people to nature.

In a very meaningful way, the animal residents at PERTH ZOO are inspiring ambassadors for wildlife in need of preservation everywhere. And, every time you come and visit the animals in our care, you are helping to support the vital conservation work we do.

Bus Wrap


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