The Overview

The challenge was to develop a fresh creative platform and campaign for WA based health insurer HIF. The campaign needed to get HIF noticed in an extremely competitive and cluttered marketplace in order to improve brand recall and consideration.

Up against the massive budgets of much bigger players, HIF needed to cut through in a meaningful and relevant way. This not an easy thing to do in a category where there are so many of points of brand, product and service parity. Reflecting on HIF's member loyalty, progressive culture and socially good brand attributes, Gatecrasher identified an opportunity to put their values and personality at the forefront of their brand.

We developed a bold new creative platform for the brand including a new tagline, 'Your health's best friend'. This was brought to life by a loveable canine brand ambassador who is both an embodiment of the brand's essence, and a strong branding device by virtue of his name 'Hif'.

The Work


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