Armed with a passion for food and frivolity, the Gatecrasher team have put their superpowers to good use for nearly 15 years. Gatecrasher raises money for a variety of charities and causes, by regularly joining forces to indulge in a variety of sumptuous delights and partake in some seriously silly activities.
It began in 2005 with weekly morning teas dubbed T(ea) Spot. GC staff were rostered to create something tasty and share. In order to sample the homemade treats, you would contribute to the charity box, with funds being donated to a chosen cause at the end of the month. Over time, T(ea) Spot evolved to incorporate themes and a variety of dietary requirements (vegan, raw, gluten free anyone?). Staff took the opportunity to showcase their Chef skills and GC discovered that Emily should have been a pastry chef and Derik’s homemade pies are pretty much the most amazing pies ever created.
Last year, Gatecrasher’s fresh faced social committee revitalised the legacy with a monthly timeslot and a challenge to keep things interesting. Four GCers now battle it out at the “Great GC Bake Off”, with a staff-voted winner awarded the honour of choosing the charity. Toby’s delicious Scary Spider Cookies took the Oooky-Spooky Halloween Bake Off crown in October. However, it was a tight race, with Adam’s Yummy Mummy Cheesebake, Connie’s Booscotti and Rose’s Trick or Treat Hats making taste buds and tummies sing.

Gatecrasher’s foodie game is strong. Providing the team with a stocked (naughty and nice) snack kitchen, fresh fruit and celebratory cheese platters/sweet treats on the garden balcony, GC culture is lovingly driven by sharing meals and moments together.
However, with great indulgence, comes great responsibility.
To balance the tasty morsels and avoid that morning tea regret, Gatecrasher mixes things up with positive and healthy initiatives like Relay for Life, Dry July and No Junk November. Gatecrasher also enjoys silly and active fundraising to motivate all staff to participate.
Steptember 2017 got everyone’s feet moving with 12 participants collectively stepping over 3 million steps and raising $2,473.29 in just 28 days! Each week a specific fundraiser was held to boost those figures. Activewear Wednesday was perfect for the passive participants, while GC’s School Carnival brought out some seriously great athletes. Notable mentions to both Adam and Steve who “pulled a hammy” during the first moments, on the first event: tunnel-ball. Seriously.

Movember is a GC favourite, with crazy challenges issued to the moustached men. 2014 set the batty-bar, with Henry eating (microwaved) dogfood, Mike running the Kokoda track until he was sick and Derik getting a very uncomfortable back wax.
Comradery, creativity and compassion give strength to Gatecrasher, providing a strong and positive culture among the team. Join GC’s adventures by supporting their fundraisers via Facebook, or step back in time and enjoy some immortalised Movember mo-ments here.