The Overview

Gatecrasher was asked to explore what turning 10 could mean for PerthNow viewers. More than just that, could we use the occasion to build its future success, particularly for mobile and video?

Our idea was to commission a diverse group of 10 local artists to create their interpretation of what they love about Perth right now, and share it over 10 days of birthday celebration.

Sounds simple, but the logistics of delivering this volume of work in a compressed timeframe were far from it!

After sourcing and negotiating with the artists, the agency team planned, filmed and edited ten short films that captured each artists’ approach to the brief, their creative process and artistic output.

The video content featured across PerthNow’s digital and social properties during the 10th anniversary period and was supported by accompanying editorial pieces in The Sunday Times.

The initiative was even extended by a partnership with the Art Gallery of WA where a pop-up display space was arranged to showcase the artists’ work.

And the results? Over 1.3 million interactions with content including more than 350,000 video views.

The Work

Perth Now Video

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