The Overview

Research commissioned by Cancer Council WA revealed that now more than ever before, smokers are trying to hide their addiction from family, friends and workmates. While the threat of early death and illness remains the greatest reason for wanting to quit, the growing social stigma around smoking is clearly emerging as a new motivator. Gatecrasher was briefed to explore this new strategic territory, a first in the anti-tobacco category internationally.

The Work

The agency explored numerous ways of tapping into this new emotional territory, and tested quite different concepts. We found that the most potent area was ‘concealment’ itself and there two dimensions to this. Firstly, the simple fact of having to hide causes shame and esteem issues. Secondly, there is a strong awareness of the sadness caused to family and friends by not being ‘open’. The campaign created by Gatecrasher was designed to leverage both of these triggers.

Making Smoking History TVC

How you're seen - Press

How you're seen - Press

How you're seen - Press

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