The Overview

When Gatecrasher was tasked by social marketing client LiveLighter to change perceptions of junk food, the barriers to acceptance were super-sized.

For example, there is a very high level of audience self-exclusion with people commonly not even identifying ‘junk’ food as being a part of their diet at all.

Our solution was to help the audience grasp the scale of their consumption by framing the category into three silos based on food type and occasion: fast food meals; unhealthy snacks between meals; and occasional sweets and treats. We were asking the audience to consider the cumulative amount of fat and sugar being consumed throughout the day and throughout the week.

The creative executions placed the audience at the familiar moment of choosing what they’re going to order. The actors looked at the menu board, and then suddenly the menu board transforms to show them the reality of their choice - toxic fat and disease. We succeeded in creating a visual link to the consequences and at the same time created a trigger moment during the purchase process.

The Work

Drive Thru - 30sec TVC

Servo - 30sec TVC

Vending Machine - 30sec TVC

Bus Back

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