The Overview

Betts is a West Australian-owned family business with more than 135 stores nationally. Over many decades, the company had operated as a traditional ‘cradle to the grave’ discount shoe retailer. In response to changes in the fashion retail market, the client decided to change tactics and focus on a much narrower segment, young women. The agency was briefed to relauch the brand as a fashion leader with a campaign that would also serve to showcase the new-look stores.

The Work

The agency created a new positioning (Be surprised) which clearly communicated that the brand had changed while also having relevance beyond launch. The visual idea behind the campaign was inspired by the new shop fronts. Two key elements of the campaign were a new website and a magazine app that featured fashion stories and tips. During difficult economic conditions, Betts managed to meet revenue targets while successfully transitioning into a new space in the market.

Betts be surprised - Press

Betts be surprised - Postcard

Betts be surprised - Press

Betts be surprised - TVC

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